Going to the Show 1970s: Three Generations of Show Lovers Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

Going to the Show 1970s: Three Generations of Show Lovers

Posted on 27 August 2023

My mum grew up in a family who originally lived in Moss Vale and then Dee Why, so for us, even as city kids from the northern beaches, we were introduced to the animals and produce side of the show first. We always went to the Farmyard Nursery (photo), to watch the hatchlings, and pat the lambs. I remember being taken in the old Moore Park gates straight to the District Exhibits - all those fruit and veges on display - wow! We saw all the cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, and the woodchop, from our stroller. Mum was a hero, pushing us right around the showground. I'm not sure we even knew about showbags and rides until we were in primary school!

When I was in primary school our grandparents used to take us again on Easter Saturday, to sit in the old Coronation Stand and watch the ring events. We thought we were so lucky to go to the show twice. My grandfather was the son of a coachman from Moss Vale, grew up looking after horses, and was very keen on all the horse events - something that rubbed off on me and my sister. His favourites were the showjumping, the campdrafting, the tentpegging, the musical rides, the harness classes and the Australian Stock Horse competitions. My sister and I occasionally escaped from sitting in the stand to go on a ride or buy a showbag, with hard saved pocket money - a big adventure on our own within the showgrounds.

My grandmother (who had been a part of the Southern Highlands shows in the cooking and floristry sections) always wanted my sister and I to belong to RAS as members, so when the show moved to Homebush, and membership opened up once more, we joined. And today we go as many times as we like, sit in the stands to watch the showjumping, and wander around the show to see the cattle judging, the woodchop, the cooking competitions, the flowers, and all the rest of the Royal Show delights.

A family tradition.



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