Show memories from Andeve Juicing Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

Show memories from Andeve Juicing

Posted on 28 August 2023

“The Sydney Royal Easter Show is the ‘Super Bowl’ for food trucks, it’s the biggest and best event in NSW and we honestly didn’t think we would be selected the first year we applied, especially as a small farm. We bring orange juice fresh from the tree and the look on people’s faces when they first taste the juice is so satisfying. We had nerves for weeks leading up to the Show.

But after all the work of setting up it was exciting when the gates opened, despite our nervous flutters. All up we juiced 56,000 oranges, had people lining up at all times, and won a Commercial Exhibitors Award silver ribbon for our stand.

We were so fortunate to be at the show – you couldn’t wipe the smile off our faces. We can’t thank the RAS enough for supporting Australian farmers and businesses that support growers.”

Andeve Juicing

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