RAS Foundation Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content


The RAS Foundation Limited was established in 2007 to help build strong, sustainable and resilient rural and regional communities in New South Wales. The RAS Foundation achieves this through a range of programs that help rural Australians to realise their potential and make a difference in their community.

Helping Making Friends with Food by The Root Cause™

The RAS Foundation is collecting funds to support Making Friends with Food by The Root Cause™. Making Friends with Food is an innovative, award-winning food literacy partnership for Australian schools, designed to address alarming rates of childhood illness. It empowers students, parents, and teachers to make better food choices to enhance mood, behaviour, and overall well-being. Help us to raise funds and assist The Root Cause in transforming children’s health across the region of Narrabri, Wee Waa and Moree. Approximately 2,000 children will benefit; gaining improved food literacy to understand the profound impact it has on their lifelong health. We are aiming to raise $25,000 to help shape a healthier future for these rural communities.
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RASF Educational Scholarships & Community Grants

Rural and regional communities face challenges from external forces, including the pandemic, bushfires, droughts, floods, and mice plagues, intensifying existing inequities in education, health, and employment. Since 2007, the RAS Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, has allocated over $8.2 million to support country NSW. This funding includes 750 scholarships for regional students pursuing diverse vocational subjects like medicine, agriculture, education, and essential trades. Contributions to the RAS Foundation aid in constructing a more robust Australia by fostering thriving, vibrant, and innovative rural and regional communities. The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, established in 1822, has played a pivotal role in shaping Australian agriculture through competitions, education, and events. The RAS Foundation, founded in 2007, focuses on cultivating strong, sustainable, and resilient rural communities through educational scholarships and community grants, empowering rural Australians to realize their potential and contribute to community development.
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