Get Involved Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

Get Involved

Get Involved

There are several ways in which you could contribute to the RAS Foundation to help build strong, vibrant and resilient rural and regional communities.

Together we can grow and strenghten regional Australia.

Thank you for supporting rural and regional communities in Australia.

Together, we can help remote communities to thrive by providing scholarships and grants.

Join our community of regular givers and help rural and regional communities in Australia.

By becoming a regular giver with the RAS Foundation, you join a community that is committed to helping remote communities in Australia thrive.

You can help support our work by volunteering at the RAS Foundation Stand during the Sydney Royal EasterShow. 

We appreciate your generosity and welcome you to help us raise funds for our Community Futures Grant Program at the SRES.

Philanthropy and major gifts enable the RAS Foundation to keep supporting rural and regional communities in Australia in need.

Your investment in our work is critical to us and can transform the lives of hundreds of people who live in rural and regional communities in Australia.

The impact of philanthropy
We recognise that true impact comes from partnering with governments, corporate Australia, communities and philanthropists. As an individual, couple, family, private ancillary fund, trust or foundation, your generosity can help us to provide much needed help to Australian rural and regional communities in need.

You may choose to support a specific project or program that is meaningful to you or direct your gift to where it is needed most. No matter your choice, we will report on our progress, our impact and share with you how you are making a difference.

Join us and help us support a strong, vibrant and resillient rural and regional Australia.

Our commitment to you
At the RAS Foundation, we do not receive ongoing government funding, instead, our income is gained through competitive grants, fundraising and philanthropy. We hold the values of transparency, accountability, and stewardship in the highest regard. We ensure that every dollar donated is thoughtfully and efficiently utilised to drive our mission forward.

Make a major impact today
Through your philanthropic support, we can continue supporting farmers and small communities in Australia, expand lifesaving programs, and empower individuals and communities by providing scholarships for study and community project grants.

Contribute to the future generation of regional communities through the RAS Foundation.

Our goal is for a stronger Australia, realised through thriving, vibrant and innovative rural and regional communities full of skilled people who contribute to and play an active part in the success of the regions. For this to be realised, people need education and leadership opportunities so that they can invest their skills and knowledge back into their local community.

A gift in wills (bequest) to the RAS Foundation is a meaningful way to contribute to the next generation, increasing the sustainability of the RAS Foundation to continue its work. This means that the RAS Foundation will continue to fund scholarships, community infrastructure and locally driven innovative projects that result in enhanced social and economic outcomes.

No matter the size, when you include a gift in your will to the RAS Foundation, you also join a community of supporters who are committed to help rural and regional Australia communities become sustainable and thrive.

Why have a will?
Writing or updating a will is a personal decision that needs to be considered carefully. By having a valid and up to date will, you’re ensuring your hard-earned savings go to the people and causes you care for most. It’s natural that the well-being of your loved ones should always come first, and the causes you care about next.

Including a gift in your will, even 1% of your estate, to the RAS Foundation can create meaningful impact for generations to come.

How do I include a gift in my will to the RAS Foundation?
There are two ways to include a gift to the RAS Foundation; either the traditional way with a solicitor or through an online will-writing platform such as Gathered Here. 

If you do not have a will, we recommend visiting your local solicitor or state public trustee. If you already have a will and would like to include a gift to the RAS Foundation, speak to your solicitor about adding a short legal amendment to your will known as a codicil.

For codicil recommendations to include in your will view our recommendations.

Create a will online
Did you know uncomplicated wills can be written online? To assist our donors in writing their wills, we have partnered with the team at Gathered Here, Australia’s top-rated free online wills platform. Visit their website - it is user-friendly and takes only 10 minutes.

Make a Donation

Thank you for supporting rural and regional communities in Australia. Together, we can help remote communities to thrive by providing scholarships and grants.

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