Primary School Program K-6
Where does our food and fibre come from? That's the question your students will explore and discover when they visit the Show.
The RAS Education Team has developed syllabus-linked units that are suitable for Early Stage 1 - Stage 3 students, with activities covering the KLAs of Human Society and its Environment, Science and Technology, English, Mathematics, and Creative Arts.
The pre and post-Show activity resources available for you include workshops, competitions and lesson outlines. All are designed to be flexible so you can dip-in and use what's best for your school and the children you teach.
- Free Resource Kit (Units 1-8)
Extend what students already know and understand about the origins of food and fibre by investigating the 'Paddock to Plate' and 'Field to Fibre' stories. Teachers are encouraged to determine what students would like to discover before tailoring the learning activities and teaching resources to suit their educational approach and program.
Primary Schools Program Overview
Unit 1 Overview
Mind Map
Flow Chart
True or False
Literacy has been given a significant profile in the new Australian curriculum as an essential part in each key learning area. Unit Two focuses on reading, viewing and listening effectively in a meaningful context. Each Stage has a suggested book and/or internet site with associated activities to build students' background knowledge and understanding of functions in a farm setting.
In this unit the emphasis is on seasons in the context of farming in NSW.
There are approximately 134,000 farm businesses in Australia, 99% of which are Australian owned. Each Australian farmer produces enough food to feed 600 people, 150 at home and 450 overseas. Australian farmers produce almost 93% of Australia's daily domestic food supply.
Unit Three is about providing factual information about the variety of farms in NSW and their locations, introducing technical language using a glossary and developing mapping skills.
Farmers must ensure that all animals are provided with adequate housing or habitat, handling, sanitation, nutrition, water, veterinary care, and protection from extreme weather conditions and other forms of natural disasters.
In this unit students research livestock farming with a focus on livestock needs and the technologies used to care for animals.
Did you know that potatoes are one of Australia's most popular vegetables with each Australian consuming, on average, approximately 20 kilograms of potatoes each year. As for fibre, it is sourced from a range crops, trees and animals, and can be used to make a variety of everyday products like paper, clothing and carpet.
In Unit Five students research fruit, vegetable and crop farming with a focus on the growth cycle.
Farmers occupy and manage 61% of Australia's landmass and are at the frontline in delivering environmental outcomes on behalf of the broader community. Lots of research goes into making sure Australian agricultural products have maximum taste and quality with minimum impact on the environment.
Unit Six supports students to investigate natural and man-made farm resources such as water, machinery, people, technology and infrastructure. The focus of this unit is on farmers' stewardship of the land, and the relationship between resources and how they change over time. Students establish an understanding of how important it is for farmers to produce enough food and fibre for everyone, and how these products are consistently produced to a high standard.
Empower students to see how farming brings everyone together because we all rely on food security. 'Paddock to Plate' and 'Field to Fibre' stories help students to demonstrate their understanding of how we are all connected in the production process.
Assessment forms a great part of this unit and teachers are provided with competition briefs and assessment rubrics to evaluate student progress.
The Sydney Royal Easter Show is Australia's largest annual event. It seeks to celebrate the vital role that agriculture plays in the health and wealth of our nation and applauds the highest achievers in agricultural excellence. Non-stop competitions, a thrilling entertainment program and innovative ideas are the highlights of this 14 day event.
Students can immerse themselves in all the heritage, culture and artefacts of the Show including the unique Australian history of showbags, district exhibits and the world-class volunteers program.
Sydney Royal Easter Show find-a-word1