Education Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content



Enriching lives through celebration and education is the heartbeat of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS). Integral to this mission are the RAS Education programs. From school room curriculum to on-site farm activations, the RAS Education initiatives are changing the nation’s landscape of agricultural education.

RAS Education

Education Resources

Education Events

Farm Day Excursions
18 - 29 November 2024

Farm Day Excursions

There’s no better way to learn about agriculture than to visit a farm and get your hands dirty!

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Discover Ag
Wednesday 4 June 2025

Discover Ag

Ideally Suited for Students in Years 9-12 Discover Ag is the Agriculture & Agribusiness Career Expo that cultivates careers in every sector spanning the agriculture industry—there is no other expo like it in Australia!

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ag in a box image

Ag in a Box

Ag in a Box is an initiative that comes in a recycled box, full of resources and programs to reduce the burden on hard-working teachers. Lifting the lid on a world of agriculture for school students, Ag in a Box is the gift teachers have been waiting for. Each box is packed with hands-on learning for students and meets the needs of teachers by aligning perfectly with the NSW school curriculum, and it doesn’t cost a thing!
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Contact Us

If you would like more information on our interactive and educational resources, our education team is on hand to help you with your enquiry. E: P: 02 9704 1197

The RAS’ commitment to forge the future of Australian agriculture necessarily demands equal commitment to the future leaders of rural communities and agriculture. This begins with the next generation at the earliest stage.  This is why the RAS is dedicated to raising the standard of agricultural education and curriculum at all stages of the school experience, including raising the bar of professional teacher development and access to premium education resources throughout all of NSW. By celebrating the joy and diversity of agriculture and deepening the way in which ag education can be engaged—everything from good-ole “get your hands dirty” activities to entrepreneurial, ground-breaking ag-tech innovation career pathways—the RAS education programs are breathing new life into and enriching the lives of students, parents and teachers alike. The RAS has its finger on the pulse of Australian ag and continues to drive it forward, both in schools and at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

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