The Land Sydney Royal AgShows NSW Young Woman Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

The Land Sydney Royal AgShows NSW Young Woman

In 1962, twenty young female ambassadors entered the first Sydney Royal Easter Show's Miss Showgirl competition, as it was originally known, with hopes of representing their region and working as ambassadors for women throughout rural New South Wales. 

Today the competition continues to play a significant role in the development of rural women and their communities and boasts incredible support from its sponsors. 

The Land Sydney Royal Ag Shows NSW Young Women all display great insight and knowledge about the very real issues facing rural NSW. They are deeply involved with their communities and are dedicated, confident and fitting ambassadors. 

Proudly sponsored by

  • Ag Shows NSW
  • Akubra
  • Birdsnest
  • The Land
  • Grovers
2024 Finalist

Simone Ducker | Wauchope (Zone 1)

Simone is currently completing her final year of a combined degree of Civil Engineering (Honours) and Design in Architecture. Simone’s experiences with diverse community avenues such as the Wauchope Show Society, Country Women’s Association and being a student ambassador for her university have enriched her understanding of community dynamics and reinforced her commitment to meaningful contribution. She believes the competition gives her the opportunity to champion her community and encourage other young people to enter the Show movement.

2024 Finalist

Domonique Wyse | Taree (Zone 1)

Domonique is a high school Agriculture Teacher, currently teaching at Tamworth High School, where she uses her position to encourage the next generation’s involvement in agriculture. Domonique is highly involved in her community, being a member of both Taree and Tamworth Show Society, assisting across a wide range of sections including set up, judging and the organising of the Young Farmer Challenge. She looks forward to building a network of like-minded people that she believes will empower her to contribute more to the industry.

2024 Finalist

Jillian Burgess | Hawkesbury (Zone 2)

Jillian is completing a PhD with the Livestock Production Group at the University of Sydney, with a focus on beef feedlotting. She is the Cattle Show Team Coach for Pymble Ladies' College, and has also recently purchased her first stud heifer, with plans to develop her stud and show her own genetics in the ring in future. In her roles, she fosters the interest of students of all ages who may have no agricultural background, and works to remain engaged in her community, to enable her to keep bridging the gap between city and country.

2024 Finalist

Stephanie Hennings | Camden (Zone 2)

Stephanie has grown up on her family Angus cattle stud and graduated from the University of New England with a Bachelor of Agriculture and Business. Additionally, she undertook an international exchange program to Purdue University, USA. Stephanie now works for The a2 Milk Company as a Farm Services Field Officer which includes supporting farms across Australia. She enjoys attending, showing and volunteering at the Camden Show and takes part in other community events including Park Run. Stephanie is passionate about encouraging more youth to enter agriculture and increasing engagement and connectivity for farmer wellbeing. In her leisure time, she enjoys running marathons around the world.

2024 Finalist

Sophie Heffernan | Candelo (Zone 3)

Sophie is studying a Bachelor of Business and Enterprise in the hopes of completing her studies to continue her work as an accountant in the rural sector. Sophie is the treasurer of the Candelo Campdraft Association and has an interest in breeding and training horses which she hopes to continue. As a result of her rural upbringing on a beef property and having worked in various sectors, Sophie is passionate about bridging the disconnect between rural and city life through community involvement and storytelling.

2024 Finalist

Emily Rowson | Cooma (Zone 3)

Emily currently works as the Equestrian Development Academy Coordinator for Snowy Mountains Grammar School including teaching, providing general animal care and organising equipment for students’ horses. Her recent role has encouraged her to trust in herself and take on some opportunities outside of her comfort role including representing Cooma as their 2024 Young Woman. Emily would love to continue to engage with her local community that has supported and helped her become who she is today.

2024 Finalist

Katie Williams | Armidale (Zone 4)

Katie is a third-generation farmer on her families mixed enterprise farm, working to continue family tradition whilst adapting modern agricultural technologies to further increase the farms productivity and profitability. As an executive member of the Armidale Show Society Katie has initiated her own projects including the ‘Youth Inclusion Initiative’ which aims to further educate and include youth in their local show and involve them in the community, giving youth a platform to showcase their skills, hobbies and passions.Katie is passionate about the agricultural industry and invested in securing the future of not only agriculture, but Ag Shows for generations to come.

2024 Finalist

Emily Barton | Walgett (Zone 4)

Emily currently splits her time between contract stock work for a variety of clients and livestock management on her family farm. Emily is an active member of her local community, serving on several committees including Walgett Show Society, Country Women’s Association and Collarenebri Jockey Club. Emily has a goal of introducing a Walgett Shire Youth Committee to enhance community engagement and offer support to those youth studying or training to then returning to rural and remote regions.

2024 Finalist

Alana Wade | Gulgong (Zone 5)

Alana graduated Western Sydney University with a Bachelor of Animal Science in 2019. Her passion for the livestock industry developed from there. Alana has commenced her own Bovine Reproduction Business ‘Elite Genetics’ and runs a breeding operation with her partner ‘Rafferty Pastoral Co’ breeding Simmental cattle utilising exceptional international genetics to build their herd. Alana contributes to the Gulgong Show Society, NSW Simmental Youth Committee and more recently the National All Breeds Junior Heifer Show executive committee. Alana hopes to inspire women in agriculture and business by showcasing her own ambition to make change within the industry.

2024 Finalist

Elinor Bowman | Singleton (Zone 5)

Elinor is a corporate lawyer at Gilbert + Tobin. She gives her time to various community organisations including the Country Women's Association, Eastern Suburbs Rugby Union Football Club and the Northern Agricultural Association, where she volunteers in the Tea Rooms. She has also provided humanitarian aid in Ukraine, where she supplied food relief to refugees. Elinor is looking to use the competition as a platform to represent and support her local community as well as other regional and rural communities across NSW.

2024 Finalist

Charlotte McGory | Bourke (Zone 6)

Charlotte is a teacher at St Ignatius Parish School in Bourke whilst studying her masters of Religious Education. Charlotte volunteers with the Bourke Show Society assisting with managing stallholders, the Young Farmer Challenge, judging opportunities as well as collaborating closely with local schools to encourage the involvement of young people. Charlotte entered the Young Woman competition to strengthen her relationship with the Bourke local community and to offer a mentor for future young women in the area.

2024 Finalist

Eliza Whiteley | Wellington (Zone 6)

Eliza currently works for an ophthalmologist in order to build on her previous studies, Bachelor of Vision Science and Master of Optometry. Eliza’s community involvement centres around encouraging students to pursue a career in rural health and to explore the variety and vibrancy of rural life within a professional career. Eliza is keen to challenge the perception of living in a rural area and instead celebrate the community spirit which is showcased best at the local Show.

2024 Finalist

Paris Capell | Orange (Zone 6)

Working for the NSW DPI, Paris is a passionate young professional dedicated to shaping the future of sustainable farming. Through her community involvement she hopes to increase awareness about soils in our farming systems and make a direct impact on the ground. She believes in building networks for young people in regional areas and hopes to provide young people in agriculture with development and leadership opportunities. She wants to bring community attention back to the local show as it is the best way to showcase excellence in agriculture.

2024 Finalist

Emma Johnston | Hay (Zone 7)

Emma is studying a Bachelor of Education (secondary) and Bachelor of Fine Arts with the goal of becoming a high school art teacher in rural and remote communities. Emma is a current, founding member of the Hay Youth Taskforce, driving for change and giving experiences to the local youth. Emma has a passion for rural learning support and shining a light on the adversity that rural students face. She hopes for the opportunity to learn and grow from the Young Woman experience.

2024 Finalist

Olivia Hodgkin | Junee (Zone 7)

Olivia is currently studying a Bachelor of Veterinary Biology/Bachelor of Veterinary Science hoping on completion to alleviate the pressure in rural and remote communities by providing veterinary services, knowledge and resources. Olivia plays an important role in the recognition of Veterinary Technology within Australia which she believes will further support the industry. Olivia has volunteered with the Junee Show from stewarding to bar work as well as helped preparations for the Mighty Mitta Muster. As a relatively new member of the Junee community, Olivia hopes that the Young Woman experience helps strengthen her relationship with the town.

Judging at a local level takes place throughout the year at each of the participating local Show Societies with the judging for Zone Finals being conducted in February/March of each year and the State Final during the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

Judging Information

The contestants are judged on personality, confidence, ambition and life goals, general knowledge, rural knowledge, presentation and speech. Finalists are also asked to demonstrate knowledge of their local community and current affairs and apart from their potential ambassadorial qualities, contestants are also judged on their involvement in and experience of rural affairs.

These prerequisites have not changed since the inception of the Showgirl competition in 1962, as the value of these skills has not diminished. The contestants continue to be young rural women with purpose and ambition. 

The winner of each local Show Society is selected by a panel of three judges and remains the representative until the next year’s Show. She performs various tasks which could include opening a Show, public speaking throughout the year, presenting prizes for winners in agricultural events etc.

Each local Show Society is a member of one of fourteen groups. Two groups combine to form one of seven Zones that make up the NSW area.  In February/March of each year, Zone Finals are held in which each of the Zones select, from all the winners put forward by each of the individual Societies, a representative for the State Final.

The number of representatives a Zone can have is based on the total number of entrants:  if 1 - 10 Zone Finalists then a Zone can have one (1) State Final representative; 11 - 17 Zone Finalists then two (2) State Final representatives; Zones' 6 & 7 will have the opportunity to have 3 State Final Representatives of the receive more than 17 Zone Finalists.  The judges for the Zone Finals are provided by the ASC.

The State Final for the Competition is conducted by the RAS at the Sydney Royal Easter Show and usually has 16 entrants. Judges are nominated by the RAS with the judging being conducted over a four day period.

The winners of the most recent Sydney Royal AgShows NSW Young Woman of the Year Competitions are as follows:

  • 2023 Winner - Florance McGufficke [Cooma]
  • 2023 Runner Up - Jessica Towns [Moree]

  • 2022 Winner - Molly Wright [Peak Hill]
  • 2020* Winner - Jessica Neale [Cootamundra]
  • 2019 Winner - Stephanie Clancy [Walbundrie]
  • 2018 Winner, Nikki Gibbs [Wauchope] 
  • 2017 Maisie Morrow [Merriwa]
  • 2016 Grace Eppelstun [Grenfell]
  • 2015 Ellie Stephens [Lismore]
  • 2014 Brodie Chester [Bega]
  • 2013 Kennedy Tourle [Dubbo]
  • 2012 Jasmine Nixon [Crookwell]
  • 2011 Hilary Scott [Camden]
  • 2010 Clare McDonald [Condobolin]

*Awarded at the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show due to the cancellation of the 2020 Show.

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