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Bronze Medal Winners - Sydney Royal Flower & Garden Show

Date: 1953
Collection: Lists

Three prestigious medals are awarded in the Flower & Garden section:

• The Banksian Medal (since 1951)
• Bronze Medal (since 1953)
• The John Baptist Medal (since 1967)

The Bronze Medal award is presented by The Royal Horticultural Society (UK), to the Exhibitor gaining the second highest aggregate number of points. Conditions of competition are similar to those of the Banksian Medal.

The winners, individual, part of a team or team, of the Bronze Medal in the previous two years shall not be eligible to compete.  Exhibitors may enter more than one Exhibit in each Class, but should an Exhibitor win more than one Award in a Class, only the highest placed Award will count towards the Award for the Bronze medal.

More information on the history of Horticulture can be found here.

Year Winner
1953    Australia Hotel Florist
1954    Mrs L Ranson
1955    Parramatta Arcade Exclusive Flowers
1956    Mrs D Taylor
1957    Mrs L Ranson
1958    Mrs J Grose
1959    Mrs L Ranson
1960    T Young, Mrs L Ranson
1961    L Sasso, Mrs L Ranson
1962    AG Mulley, Mrs L Ranson
1963    CM Taylor, Mrs L Ranson
1964    AG Winley, Mrs L Ranson
1965    L Sasso, Mrs E Wenban
1966    C Lawn, Mrs L Ranson
1967    L Betts & H Campbell, Mrs J Grose
1968    Mrs J Grose, Mrs L Ranson
1969    Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs L Ranson
1970    Mrs J Grose, Mrs L Ranson
1971    Mrs L Ranson
1972    Mrs L Ranson
1973    E Welsh, Mrs L Ranson
1974    L Sasso, Mrs L Ranson
1975    C Lawn, B Payne
1976    E Notley, Mrs P Gardener
1977    Lewis & Towns, Mrs L Farrant
1978    Wilkes & Marmont, B Payne
1979    F & D Warren, L Farrant
1980    RJ Montgomery, Brian Payne
1981    Mrs W Harland, B Payne
1982    E Welsh, B Payne
1983    N Brooker, B Payne
1984    C Lawn, B Payne
1985    Unknown
1986    E Welsh, P Payne
1987    E Welsh, Mrs M Wong
1988    Highland Dahlias, Mrs M Wong
1989    E Welsh, B Payne
1990    JH Moxley, M Wong
1991    Highland Dahlias, Mrs M Wong
1992    F Stralow, R Go
1993    C Lawn, Mrs B Hardiman
1994    Highland Dahlias, Mrs B Hardiman
1995    R Bailey, Mrs B Hardiman
1996    C Lawn, C Rogers
1997    Mr M McGuire, Mrs B Hardiman
1998    Highland Dahlias
1999    C Lawn
2000    T McInness Desmond
2001    K Hamilton
2002    CS Lawn
2003    G Newman
2004    A Roberts-Osborne
2005    G Wright
2006    Highland Dahlias
2007    Highland Dahlias
2008    CS Lawn
2009    Ian Townshend
2010    Graeme Davis
2011    Master Matthew Roberts-Osborne
2012    Mr John & Mrs June Woodfield
2013    Mr Bruce & Mrs Lonny Raines
2014    Mr G & Mrs S Davis
2015    Robert Mercer & Lorraine Pasfield
2016    Mr Bruce & Mrs Lonny Raines
2017    Graeme Davis and John Woodfield
2018    Bruce and Mrs Lonny Raines
2019    Mr Edward and Mrs Meryl Morphett
2020    Show Cancelled
2021    Mr G & Mrs S Davis
2022 Mrs Janet & Mr Peter Hill
2023 Mrs Meryl and Mr Edward Morphett
2024 Ms Robyn East

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