Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

President Sir John Jamison Biography

President Sir John Jamison Biography
Assets reference: Presidents Biographies
Date: 1822
Collection: Presidents

Sir John Jamison   (1776-1844)

President Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1822; 1824 – 1836

Sir John Jamison was born in Ireland, the son of a First Fleet surgeon’s mate. Following in his father’s footsteps he became a naval physician. For his efforts in controlling a scurvy outbreak in the Swedish navy he was awarded a knighthood by the King of Sweden and later made knight bachelor by the Prince Regent.

Jamison arrived in Sydney in 1814 to attend to a portfolio of properties inherited from his father. He was a man of many interests and enthusiastically embraced colonial life and agricultural pursuits, developing his Penrith estate, Regentville, into a model property.

He was elected unopposed as the founding president of the Society but resigned shortly after over a difference with Governor Brisbane. When re-elected in 1824, he worked energetically for the Society and the promotion of scientific farming. 

A public spirited person, he was a founder of Sydney College and the Sydney Turf Club and belonged to many other organisations including the Australian Museum and the Botanical Gardens committee.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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