Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

President Thomas Icely Biography

President Thomas Icely Biography
Assets reference: President's Biographies
Date: 1865
Collection: Presidents

Thomas Icely                   (1797 – 1874)

[Image courtesy Australian Town & Country Journal]

President Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1865-67

The son of a Devonshire merchant and shipowner, Thomas Icely first visited Australia in 1820 with a speculative cargo which he sold profitably. He returned to settle in 1822, taking up a grant of land in the Bathurst area.

Though he tried to set up a timber trade with England and was involved with local banking institutions, the pastoral industry quickly became his main interest.  The village of Carcoar was established at his request to service his primary holding, Coombing Park estate which comprised about 26,000 acres (10, 522ha) by 1839.

Icely took a scientific approach to farming. He developed his merino flocks and was noted as an important Shorthorn cattle breeder. He imported the first thoroughbred mare into the country and exported cavalry horses to India.

From 1843 – 1856 Icely served as a nominated member of the Legislative Council and was appointed for life in 1864. A year later he accepted the presidency of the Society, holding office until March 1867, slightly longer than the official one year term, as the man nominated as his successor, John Hay, declined the appointment.

When Thomas Icely died in 1874 he was regarded as one of the first gentlemen of the colony.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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