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President Sir William Denison Biography

President Sir William Denison Biography
Assets reference: Presidents Biographies
Date: 1857
Collection: Presidents

Sir William Denison (1804 – 1871)

President Cumberland Agricultural Society 1857-59

President Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1857-61

Sir William Denison was born in London, educated at Eton, and graduated as a lieutenant in the Royal Engineers.

He served as Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen’s Land (1857 - 1855), as well as Governor of NSW and Governor General (1855 – 1861). During his able administration the transition to responsible government was achieved.

While President of the Australian Horticultural and Agricultural Society he was approached to become President of the Cumberland Agricultural Society (which later changed names to the Agricultural Society of NSW). This was to cause a perceived conflict of interest over land at Parramatta and as a result subsequent governors were made patrons rather than presidents.

William Denison was keenly involved with scientific societies in Hobart and Sydney and was widely read in natural history. He was an avid shell collector and by the time he left to become governor of Madras (1861 -1866) his Australian collection numbered 8,000 species.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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