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President Sir Philip Charley Biography

President Sir Philip Charley Biography
Assets reference: President's Biographies
Date: 1965
Collection: Presidents

Sir Philip Charley             (1893 – 1976)

President Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1965 - 1969

Self styled a ‘cow cocky’, Philip Charley, was born at Belmont Park, Richmond. He was the eldest son of Philip George Charley, one of seven men who founded Broken Hill.

In 1915 Charley joined the AIF, ending the war as an observer with the Australian Flying Corps in France. On returning he tried market gardening in Richmond but switched to dairying after repeated floods. With his wife he moved to historic Claremont Cottage in Windsor.

During WWII Charley supplied milk to the RAAF base at Richmond and was an acting flight lieutenant in the RAAF Training Corp.

Elected to Council in 1938, Charley served as assistant ringmaster, ringmaster and chairman of the Horse Committee; he was also a member of the Building and Works, Cattle and the Executive Committees.

Modernisation of the Society continued during his presidency. More executive staff were engaged in recognition of the size and complexity of the organisation and when a new administration block was built at the Showground the city office in Macquarie Place was closed, resulting in reduced costs and increased efficiencies. Improvements to the ground included a new Meat Hall and the construction of the chair lift.  Show attendance figures were consistently high and revenue rose from increased ticket prices.

Knighted for services to agriculture in 1968, Philip Charley was appointed vice patron after his retirement. A man of great warmth and vigour, he had the ability to communicate with people from all walks of life; this coupled with his own practical experience and understanding of rural issues made him a widely liked and respected president.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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