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President Sir Edward Deas Thomson Biography

President Sir Edward Deas Thomson Biography
Assets reference: President's Biographies
Date: 1867
Collection: Presidents

Sir Edward Deas Thomson (1800 – 1879)

[Image courtesy of University of Sydney]

President Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1867 - 1868

Edward Deas Thomson was born in Edinburgh and educated at Harrow, the son of Sir John Deas Thomson, accountant-general of the British navy.

Taking up a position as clerk of the Executive and Legislative Councils of NSW, Thomson arrived in the colony in 1829. He soon impressed with his industry and intelligence and was made Colonial Secretary in 1837. During his career he served governors Darling, Bourke, Gipps, Fitzroy and Denison, all of whom respected him highly for his statecraft. His economic advice was sound, especially on tariffs, and he helped steer the administration sensibly through the gold rush.

In Society affairs Thomson was both a diplomat and a progressive. In 1857 he played a key role in the re-formation of the Society and during his presidency was in favour of moves to relocate the Show to Sydney. As a member of the 1868 reform committee, he was involved in complex negotiations to reorganise and reinvigorate the society, broadening its aims. Signifying a new direction, three scientists from the University of Sydney were invited to join the Society at this time, no doubt co-opted by Thomson who in his retirement was Chancellor.

With wisdom and integrity Edward Deas Thomson continued to support the Society until his death in 1879.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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