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President Sir Colin Sinclair Biography

President Sir Colin Sinclair Biography
Assets reference: President's Biographies
Date: 1944
Collection: Presidents

Sir Colin Sinclair                              (1876 – 1956)

President Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1944 - 1954

Colin Sinclair was born near Inverell , the son of a grazier. He trained as a solicitor and practiced in Sydney until 1911 when he moved to Collarenebri, going into wool and fat lamb production with his father and brothers.

In 1932 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly and was Minister for Lands 1938-40. As a leading member of the Graziers’ Association of NSW, he helped make that organisation more progressive. His experience on the boards of various companies including the Bank of NSW fitted him for service as Society president but the burly bushman’s ability to enlist the goodwill of others was another of his assets.

As the war ended, Sinclair oversaw plans for the resumption of normal operations. The Army decamped in September 1946 leaving a short preparation time, but the 1947 Show was a staggering success. Record crowds and entries continued during the early 1950s.

Over the course of Sinclair’s term, ties were strengthened with the Royal Horticultural Society, the Cattle Breeders’ Association and the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW. The first Fat Stock and Carcase Show  was held in 1951 and international standards were introduced for horse jumping events in 1952. Further support was given to the Young Farmers’ Movement, of which Sinclair was patron. At his suggestion, the honorary councillor system was introduced to retain expertise.

After a heart attack Colin Sinclair retired, leaving the Society in a robust condition and ready for expansion. He is remembered as the president who went around after each Show to personally thank every worker and shake their hand, no matter how lowly their rank.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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