Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

President Sir Samuel Hordern Biography

President Sir Samuel Hordern Biography
Assets reference: President's Biographies
Date: 1915
Collection: Presidents

Sir Samuel Hordern                      (1876 – 1956)

President Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1915 - 1941

Described as ‘the last of the elegant Edwardians’, Samuel Hordern came from a family which famously built a vast mercantile empire from humble beginnings in colonial retail. Many members of the Hordern family and their connections have had preeminent  roles in the RAS, going back to Rev Samuel Marsden, who was one of the first vice-presidents of the Society and Samuel Hordern’s maternal great grandfather.

Born at Darling Point, the eldest of three sons, Samuel Hordern was groomed to run the family department store but his more natural interest lay in grazing and his father’s Bowral property, Retford Park, was close to his heart. He became a noted breeder and exhibitor of cattle, horses, dogs and racing pigeons. In 1919 he was co-owner of Melbourne Cup winner, Artilleryman.

As the longest serving president of the Society, Hordern presided over many developments and difficult social changes: WWI, the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1919, the Great Depression and the start of WWII all brought unique challenges but the Show continued to grow, attaining international status.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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