Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

President Sir Hercules Robinson Biography

President Sir Hercules Robinson Biography
Assets reference: President's Biographies
Date: 1872
Collection: Presidents

Sir Hercules Robinson                  (1824 – 1897)

[Image Courtesy State Library NSW]

President Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1872 - 1879

Hercules George Robert Robinson was born in Ireland, the second son of Admiral Hercules Robinson. He attended Sandhurst and joined the Royal Irish Fusiliers until financial circumstances forced his resignation; then began a long administrative career. Prior to his appointment as governor of NSW in 1872, he served as governor of Ceylon, Hong Kong and St. Kitts.

While in NSW, Robinson was an active promoter of the colony’s interests. He was an accomplished public speaker which endeared him to the general populace, despite criticism from some quarters for what was perceived as a condescending style.

As president of the Society, Robinson supported regional agricultural societies and encouraged cooperation with the central body. Annual exhibitions continued to be successful, but ambitious plans for a grand, international exhibition in 1879 would have failed were it not for a deal brokered by Robinson  for the government to take over financial responsibility.  It was an acrimonious period, with many Society members opposed in principal to the exhibition of manufactured goods from other countries.

Robinson was not present to open the Sydney International Exhibition having left a few months prior to continue colonial service, first as governor of New Zealand, then as high commissioner to Southern Africa.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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