Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

President David Johnston Biography

President David Johnston Biography
Assets reference: President's Biographies
Date: 1861
Collection: Presidents

David Johnston (1798 – 1863)

[Image courtesy State Archives NSW]

President Agricultural Society of New South Wales 1861-62

David Johnston was the third son of Lt. Col. George Johnston who is said to have been the first man ashore in Port Jackson and who famously deposed Governor Bligh during the Rum Rebellion.

David Johnston was appointed Superintendent of Government Stock in 1820 and was instrumental in taming and improving the herd of wild cattle which had been discovered grazing on the banks of the Nepean River at an area later known as Cowpastures. (The original five animals in this herd arrived with the First Fleet but escaped shortly thereafter and were for many years thought lost.)

Granted land as a reward for these services, David Johnston became a noted grazier with various holdings. He lived on the family property at Georges Hall, Liverpool.

When only 22 years old, Johnston was a founding member of the Society. His presidency followed Sir William Denison’s and was the first under a rule change which restricted the term of office to one year. This, it was thought, would make best use of the society’s many eminent members and ensure the interests of different localities would be well represented.

Preferring a low profile, Johnston rarely spoke at meetings but worked tirelessly behind the scenes. After his presidency he went on to serve on the Committee of Management until his death in 1863.

A full list of Presidents can be found here.

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