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Woolworths Heritage Highlight

Woolworths Heritage Highlight
Assets reference: Woolworths Heritage Highlight
Date: 1969
Collection: Heritage Snapshots

Woolworths at the RES

In 2024 Woolworths Ltd celebrates its centenary in Australia and for many of the last 90 years, the famous Woolworths brand has been associated with another great Sydney tradition - the Royal Easter Show.

In 1931, Class 127 in the horse jumping events at the Royal Easter Show was ‘The Woolworths Limited’ Night Show High Jump and prize money worth a hefty £20 was being offered up by the new retailer. In business by that stage for only 6 years, Woolworths, described as ‘that marvellous depot of life’s needs’ had already recognised that the Sydney Easter show was gradually becoming the ‘Shop Window of Australia’.

Dubbed the ‘People’s Emporium’, the press of 1934 commemorated the store’s first decade saying it contained everything needed and the phrase ‘Go to Woolworths’ was then voiced as a popular solution to most ‘domestic difficulties’. With branches spread around Australia and New Zealand this model of chain store businesses providing bargain deals for those struggling through the Depression years – was clearly a winner.

During the 30s Woolworths continued to use the Easter Show to highlight its brand. By 1938 it had moved from sponsoring horse jumping events to the increasingly popular woodchop. Event No.6 in the woodchop that year was the ‘Woolworths Limited Handicap, team of two, standing cut’ and the retailer was proud to have its name associated with some of the household names of the woodchop arena including Kirk, Appo, McCarthy and Heckenberg.

By 1969 Woolworths was actively promoting the Show through their ‘Showtime ‘69’ displays which even featured a real in-store tractor to keep the kids amused between the footwear and clothing aisles. In the 1980s and 90s Woolworths sponsorship of various competitions during the Show continued to keep the link between the two organisations strong.   

With the move to the new Homebush showgrounds in 1998, the role of ‘Woolworths – The Fresh Food People’ as a major corporate sponsor was cemented. That year they again sponsored the iconic District Exhibits competition and since 2000 the eye catching ‘Woolworths Fresh Food Dome’ has been an annual landmark to orientate excited showgoers.

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