Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

Archives Heritage Highlight

Archives Heritage Highlight
Assets reference: Archives Heritage Highlight
Date: 1979
Collection: Heritage Snapshots

Memories & Memorabilia

Established in 1822, the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW is one of the longest running organisations in the country and has an impressive history to tell. For over a century it had retained records of its evolution as a guiding force in the development of Australian agriculture and of the remarkable people, activities, organisations and events that had propelled it.

In 1979, the foresight of three impressive women led to the formal establishment of today’s heritage collection. The RAS Library and Archives Auxiliary Committee was formed and initially comprised Mrs Virginia Howie, Mrs Judy White and Mrs Shonie Glasgow. By 1980 Lady Nancy Fairfax had joined the committee, premises on the Moore Park Showground had been commandeered and the decades long process of gathering the vital archives of the Society - its documents, photographs, medals, trophies and memorabilia of all sorts – had begun.

Initial sorting of the maze of records was undertaken by Dr Peter Orlovich, the Society’s then archival adviser, and his students from the University of NSW’s Archives Administration course. Under advice from Peter, a part-time archivist Ms Jenny Kerr was employed and she was soon followed by Ms Barbara Evans.

Today, the RAS Heritage Centre at Olympic Park fulfills a vital role. It holds the corporate memory of one of the oldest organisations in the country and it preserves for generations to come, the memories and memorabilia of over two hundred years of the ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ – the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

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