Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

Goats Competition History

Assets reference: Goat Section history
Date: 1869
Collection: Competition histories

Goats were brought to Australia with the First Fleet in 1788. As hardy creatures that could be used for their meat, milk, and wool they were the perfect animal for the fledgling settlement. 


The first record of a goat at the Show is in 1833 when a kid produced from a Cashmere-Angora crossed with a ‘common’ goat was exhibited by a Mr W. E. Riley. The kid ‘excited much curiosity’ and the fleece ‘was thought by several competent judges, to be fully equal to that of the original stock.’ 


Despite being such a useful animal, goats did not secure a dedicated spot at the Show until 1938 when they were finally given their own competition. Prior to this their presence was sporadic:


1869 - First formal appearance at the Show in a general non-competitive class in the Sheep section. One Angora and one Cashmere goat exhibited.

1870-1877 - Goat classes continue, exhibited in the Sheep section.

1876 - Goat wool exhibited in the Wool Competition.

1883 - One goat entry in the Sheep section, and a goat class in the Dog section.

1886 - Goats return to the Show, but as a one-off.

1909-1917 - Goats exhibited in the Sheep section.

1925-1928 - Goats find a new home in the Cattle section, with classes for general dairy and Angora.

1938 - Stand-alone Goat competition instituted, continuously run ever since.


Today the competition is divided into Angora, Mohair Fleece, Dairy, and Boer.

After its shaky start, the Sydney Royal Easter Show Goat Competition is now the largest and most prestigious goat show in Australia – a testament to this jack-of-all trades animal and the people who exhibit them.

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