RAS Publications and Reports Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Skip to main content

RAS Publications and Reports

The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW has been mission purposed to forge the future of sustainable Australian agriculture, and award-quality produce and animal breeds through competitions, education and events since its foundation in 1822.

The RAS is a not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting rural agricultural communities, and to driving the development of ag business and ag tech alike, to ensure prosperity and sustainability for generations to come. 

Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2023 -2024

As a membership-based organisation, the RAS is dedicated to promoting, fostering, and encouraging the sustainable development of award-quality Australian agriculture. The 2023/24 Annual Report offers insights, and details the events and progress across the Sydney Royal Easter Show, Sydney Royal competitions, Sydney Showground, Australasian Animal Registry, RAS Foundation, Education, and Heritage initiatives.

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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2022 -2023

This 2022/23 Annual Report details all the ways in which we are realising this mission and building a community that understands and values sustainable Australian agriculture and award-quality produce.
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RAS Foundation

Annual Report | 2022-2023

The RAS Foundation had an incredibly rewarding year contributing to the good news stories that come out of regions beyond metropolitan NSW. We provided financial assistance to 83 students and 8 communities, and continued to raise awareness of the need for vibrant and innovative rural and regional communities.
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RAS Foundation

Annual Report | 2021-2022

2022 was a year of great activity for the RAS Foundation. We launched our Major Giving Campaign; expanded our scholarship and community grants programs; and to efficiently support our expanding horizons, we employed more people and installed new technologies.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2021-2022

The 2022 flagship event, the Sydney Royal Easter Show (SRES), marked the bicentennial celebration of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS). The SRES was honored to host Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, Patron and President of the Royal Agricultural Societies – Commonwealth, to open the show
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2020-2021

The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW made a determined comeback following the disruptions caused by Covid-19 in 2020. Education programs, Sydney Royal competitions, the Sydney Royal Easter Show and Sydney Showground events returned albeit with a greater focus and examination of new ways in which to do things. The Society has fought back before following pandemics, war and natural disasters and will continue to do so.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2019-2020

Australian agriculture accounts for 58 percent of Australian land use, and we have one of the largest fishing areas in the world – larger than mainland Australia. The RAS has a vision for a community that understands and values sustainable Australian agriculture, including aquaculture, and works to promote, foster and encourage its development – quite a mammoth task when you look at the size and scope of the sector.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2018-2019

Agriculture accounts for 58 per cent of Australian land use and puts food on the table and clothes on our backs. The RAS takes the responsibility of safeguarding this industry seriously, uniting producers, exporters and breeders for competitions, information and a sense of community.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2017-2018

Agriculture accounts for 58 per cent of Australian land use and puts food on the table and clothes on our backs. The RAS takes the responsibility of safeguarding this industry seriously, uniting producers, exporters and breeders for competitions, information and a sense of community.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2016-2017

We have invested over $6 million during the 2016/17 financial year into programs, competitions and activities to support sustainable agriculture, and we have undeniably increased the understanding our general community has of agriculture and award quality produce.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2015-2016

According to research undertaken on the Society’s behalf by Deloitte, the plan which directs future developments in the precinct and is consistent with the vision of the Greater Sydney Commission to make Sydney Olympic Park a ‘Lifestyle Super Precinct’, has the potential to generate an economic contribution uplift of $505 million toward the NSW economy.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual Report | 2014-2015

Throughout our 193 year history the RAS has built a reputation for innovation and resilience and we will continue to make tough decisions to adapt to a changing world.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual report | 2013-2014

The 2014 Sydney Royal Easter Show was once again a tremendous success and a special event to be part of with the memorable Royal visit from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
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Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Annual report | 2012-2013

The expanded school education program at the Show, including comprehensive syllabus-based resources, a revamped Food Farm and new Junior Farm Hand materials, saw high engagement with school groups and showgoers. Over 12,000 primary and secondary school students visited the 2013 Sydney Royal Easter Show - a 50 per cent increase from 2012.
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